Work Experience Guidance
Every student at the Heath School will have the opportunity to do a week’s work experience in Year 10.
If you know what type of work you want to do, this may be helpful:
If you have no strong career ideas, a good starting point for looking for work placements is to think about family, friends and neighbours and the type of work that they do. Could you do a week’s work experience with any of these?
If you need any help finding a work experience placement you can contact our Careers Adviser / CEIAG Co-ordinator Peter Reay in school or on:
In addition to actual work experience there are many high-quality online, virtual work experience opportunities that you can sign up for on:
Work Experience e-mail
If you want to search for a work experience placement, you can use: to search for suitable local employers, using your postcode and the distance from it as search criteria. You could then e-mail employers via their websites and follow this up with a phone call if you don’t receive a reply.
Here is a suggested format for your e-mail:
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am currently a Year 10 student at the Heath School in Runcorn. I enjoy working with computers, like GCSE Creative I-Media and am therefore keen on a future career in IT in the future. I have good attendance, punctuality and behaviour at school and hope to achieve GCSE grades at mostly 6-7.
I would really like to do some work experience in this field and was wondering if I would be able to do this at your company? The dates are: Monday 20th – Friday 24h May 2024. Would this be something that you would consider?
Thanks very much and I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Joseph Smith
If you need any help from me, speak to me in school when I’m in on a Thursday-Friday, e-mail me or ask your form tutor to e-mail me.
Peter Reay