Home School Agreement
Our School Mission Statement: ‘A centre of excellence where everyone has an aspiration to learn, progress and achieve. A cooperative, innovative, inclusive and dynamic community with a clear sense of purpose and pride in promoting personalised learning for all’.
The school's ethos is at the core of the home school agreement. Parents and carers are required to sign this agreement when their child joins the school as a commitment to collaborating with the school to ensure that student development and progress are its prime focus. This is also a commitment of parents and carers support of the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and sanctions.
Behaviour Intervention
The Centre for Student Intervention works closely with the pastoral teams to support students with behavioural needs. The CSI provides an area where students can be removed from lessons should their behaviour or conduct require it. Staff based in this area work closely with individual or groups of students providing intervention and support for behaviour.
Mobile Phones
The use of mobile phones is not allowed in school – however, it is understood that some students may carry them so that they can contact home after school. In this case, the phone must be switched off before entering the building and remain switched off throughout the school day including break and lunchtime. Mobile phones must always be kept out of sight and not be turned back on until the student has left the building. If parents wish to contact their child during the school day, then they should phone school and a message will be passed to their child. If a phone is seen or heard, it will be confiscated, taken to the front office, recorded, locked away and returned on Friday afternoon after school. If a phone is confiscated on a Friday, it will be returned on the following Friday.
This protocol has become necessary due to problems arising from the widespread use of mobile phones in schools throughout the country. These have included the spreading of illegally taken images, illegal videoing, and cyber-bullying. These can cause great distress, in addition to the obvious interruption to teaching and learning. We also truly value the impact on students socialising and communicating with each other in the absence of a phone, which we believe has a huge influence on our culture.