Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and Punctuality is treated as a priority by all associated with The Heath School—a high level of attendance and punctuality supports and promotes effective learning.
Excellent attendance is essential to a child’s success during their time at The Heath and will help them to get the most out of their time at school. It is also a statutory regulation, parents must make sure that their children attend school regularly and the Local Education Authority has the legal right to prosecute parents who do not ensure that their children attend school.
The Heath operates a '1st day absence' response, and Day 3 follow up, which ensures a parent is alerted if their son/daughter fails to attend school. Whenever possible the school contacts the parent by phone during the day—if not a letter is automatically sent.
Good punctuality should be encouraged by all. Students who arrive late to school on 2 occasions within a week will be placed on 1/2 hr detention after school on Thursdays.
We celebrate and reward the successes of children who have a good attendance and punctuality record and set targets for our students to improve, we also work in partnership with parents and carers to provide them with information about their child’s attendance.
Should a parent have concerns about their son/daughter’s attendance or punctuality, they should, in the first instance, contact the Assistant Progress Coordinator of their son/daughter’s year group – or contact their Form Tutor.