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Why study Art and Design?

Art is part of the Key Stage 3 curriculum and is also available as a Key Stage 4 option subject.

Have you ever noticed that Art is all around us? We live our lives seeing art everywhere, all day long. Art makes people powerful it gives us a voice. Artistic creativity was expressed by the very first cave dwellers, Ancient Egyptians and Mayan people who all began mark making straight onto walls. Throughout the history of the world people have expressed themselves through their Art. In today’s world we see Art through social media, in Virtual Reality, on apps like TikTok, and in the thousands of computer-generated games. This is all the result of artistic creativity, experimenting and problem solving.

Through your time at the Heath you will go on an artistic journey, to ask and answer questions about many artists and their creations. You will further develop your own artistic skills through drawing and painting, that will help you in life and your future careers, even if you decide not to become an artist.

Studying Art and Design will you give the skills to learn to “read” imagery, to analyse artists work, to ask relevant questions, to be confident to form your own opinions, and make discerning judgements about art. It will help you make sense of a world of increasing technological developments, which is full of visual information, and it will give you the confidence to communicate your own creative ideas.

Art and Design is about solving problems creatively, by looking back over time at the lessons that we can learn from the history of Art. It is about considering new and future issues including global, political, race, equality, gender, and inclusion.

You could be part of creating design solutions, either through an Art and Design related career or just by understanding the challenges the Arts face whilst global funding for The Arts is cut.

Art is a very practical, thought-provoking and time-consuming subject. You will learn to love using your imagination and creativity, to problem-solve. Hopefully, you will join the massive growing creative arts industry and develop the art of tomorrow.

Art Revision Resources